Den:2012-07-17 Kl: 11:32:21 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating:8/10
Anna's rating:9.5/10
I don't normally write about TV series I watch, only movies.. however I really thought that this deserved a post. It's a bit more unknown than shows like Lost and 90210... And honestly, it shouldn't be! It's one of my favourite shows, and I think I finished the whole thing in about a week... Unfortunately the producers never finished it and it breaks my heart! :( heard that there is rumours about someone buying the comics for the next seasons and making them and I sincerely hope that's true!
Briefly, Jericho is a series about a small town in Kansas, and their lives after the United States of America gets nuclear bombed in 23 major cities, and fighting to stay alive. I honestly recommend for everyone to watch it.. atleast the first 2 or 3 episodes to see if you like it..

Snow White and the Huntsman
Den:2012-06-13 Kl: 13:54:17 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating:6.7/10
Anna's rating9.5/10
I've been waiting for this film to come out for a long time, so I was soo happy to finally go see it last week :)
I think it's safe to say it's one of my favourite films now..
In my opinion it was a beautiful film, with really amazing effects. I think thinking "wow.." throughout... They created a beautiful world, and I honestly felt like I wanted to be part of it..
Although it did make me a bit teary eyed in one part, but maybe that's just me!
The casting was done really well too, I don't think they could have picked any better actors.. I couldn't decide who was more beautiful though, Kristen Stewart or Charlize Theron! Anyway, it was a really cool twist on the original Snow White fairy tale, hats off to the director and screenwriters...
The only reason I have given it a 9.5 and not a 10 was because I was slightly disappointed with the ending.. but I won't be giving that away :)
I definitely 100% recommend seeing this film if you haven't already..

The Avengers Assemble
Den:2012-05-04 Kl: 20:37:41 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating:8.8/10
Anna's rating:9/10
So I decided to go see The Avengers today, mostly just to see what the fuss was all about...
I'm not really usually the comic-book action-hero sort of person, so I haven't actually seen any of the other marvel films...
However, I do have to say I was pleasantly surprised. It was a truly amazing film, with lots of really amazing effects, a great story line, and the occasional humour thrown in to really make you laugh..
(I really think it would be quite epic to see in 3D really...)
It really kept me interested throughout the whole film, which is always a bonus. I never tend to zone out during films but sometimes I just watch it for the sake of watching it, whereas this film actually kept me wanting more!
It's definitely worth seeing if you haven't already!
Only been out for like what a week, and it's already climbed up to IMDB's top 250 in 31st place!

The Hunger Games
Den:2012-03-23 Kl: 00:27:59 /
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Kommentarer: 1

IMDB rating:8.3/10(At 22.03.2011)
Anna's rating:10/10
Oh my gosh I don't even know where to start.
I have been waiting for this film to come out since like Novemeber last year... I got the books and read all 3 in the trilogy in just 2.5 days... yes I am indeed a big fat geek and I love good books! Anyway, this is a movie review so yes...
I don't really like summarising story lines so I think if you don't already know GO WATCH THE TRAILER!!
I did hear a lot of mixed opinions from those who were lucky enough to see it during the red carpet premieres, so I was quite scared (although super excited) to see it for myself.. The books are really gory, and I found out that the film was a 12A (uh!) so I was a bit sceptic...
However, even though they super toned down the gore and stuff, I still think it was brilliant! It made you laugh when you were meant to laugh and cry when you were meant to cry.. I actually heard people around the whole cinema crying when I did!
It was really well made, I do think the only tiniest flaw is the fact they have made it a 12A, it would have been perfect even as a 15, even if the books gore would make it an 18..
The acting was brilliant by everyone, but Jennifer Lawrence was awesome.
It was longer than expected, which for me was great because it meant they cut out less from the books. It's a completely different perspective in the books because it's told from the point of view of Katniss, whereas in the film you get to see the game makers and stuff which was cool!
I am actually going to see it again, in the cinema, because I love it! I would 1000000% recommend anyone to go see it. But first and foremost I would recommend people to READ THE BOOKS!!!! They are the most amazing books ever!

The Vow
Den:2012-03-02 Kl: 21:54:08 /
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Kommentarer: 2

IMDB rating: 6.5/10
Anna's rating: 9/10
I was really looking forward to seeing this film for soo long. I'm a sucker for romance films, and Rachel Mcadams.. ah she is just so beautiful! I absolutely adore her and all her movies. But yes this seemed like a very "Notebook"-y kind of film, so definitely my thing!
Anyway, it was definitely a really beautiful film. It follows the story of a couple, who are completely in love and they get married, after which they have a car accident, and the woman loses her memory and forgets who he is. It's a truly touching story, and definitely made me cry!! It's the kind of film that makes you think about how things can change so quickly and it's just so sad!
I think the only disappointing things about the movie were 1. it was too short! and 2. the ending
Don't really like giving stuff away, but it was definitely not an ending that I would have thought of! Other than that I would definitely recommend going to see it if you are a romance film kind of person :D

The Woman In Black
Den:2012-02-17 Kl: 17:09:43 /
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Kommentarer: 2

IMDB rating: 7.3/10
Anna's rating:8/10
I finally went to see this in cinema last week after wanting to see it for so long (yes it's taken ages to write about it but I finally got around to it..) and I have to say I was quite happy with it!
I heard a lot about this film (good and bad) so I was looking forward to watching it for myself. I was a little sceptical at first, considering I'm a massive Harry Potter freak and I find the idea of watching Daniel Radcliffe as a different character just plain weird. And it was hard to adapt at first, constantly having to remind myself that I'm not actually watching Harry Potter... but after a while I got used to it and did forget about it so that was good!
Anyway, it was a brilliant film, really well made. Although I was surprised when I saw that the rating was 12A, I would have thought that they would make it a 15.
Really scary as well, definitely made us jump a lot! Although many people screaming in the cinema and then laughing kind of did ruin it..
Quite jumpy now when I'm in the dark though, although I have no idea why since the woman still appeared during the day..
I was sort of expecting it to be a bit more, I don't know, eventful? Don't really know what to call it, but basically I didn't really think it would be mostly just him alone in a house...
But yeah, definitely a creepy tense atmosphere throughout, and although I think they could have expanded the story line a little more, it was definitely interesting and scary enough for me ;) Definitely a recommended watch!

Breaking Dawn - Part 1
Den:2011-11-22 Kl: 22:38:04 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating: 4.7/10
Anna's rating:9/10
The madly anticipated first part of the final Twilight film finally made cinemas last Thursday! I was so glad to go see it last week, but haven't had a chance to blog about it! I was so so impressed! I can't wait to see it again, and I definitely can't wait until part 2!
When the film first started, I thought that it would really disappoint me by straying from the book a lot, especially since the opening scene was not from the book at all! But as the film progressed, I was more and more happy and it was definitely amazing!
Although, having said that, if you haven't seen the other films/you're not a fan, I don't think it will be that great of a film, because not much action really happens in it.. It's mostly just the wedding and honeymoon and pregnancy, which for me was still great to watch!
I thought they ended it brilliantly, with an ending which makes you actually want to watch the next film!! (As opposed to Harry Potter deathly hallows part 1, which I thought ended in completely the wrong place).
I'm a much bigger fan of the Harry Potter books, but definitely prefer the Twilight saga films..they're just more well made - stick to the story and stuff!
Kirsten Stewart is also just so HOT! :)
Anyway, loved loved loved this film:)

Don't be afraid of the dark
Den:2011-10-08 Kl: 16:28:32 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating: 6.2/10
Anna's rating: 8.7/10
I actually really liked this film. It's a bit cheesy as it's about adults not believing a kid, which is quite a popular theme in films, but nonetheless it's an awesome film. It's about a child who moves in with her father and his new girlfriend and finds that there are ancient creatures in the basement of the house who can only come out in the dark, who try to take her as one of them. I was hiding away at some scenes because I actually couldn't watch! The ending was sad aswell which is a bit different from your normal cheesy horror.
I'm definitely scared of the dark now.

Den:2011-09-01 Kl: 13:31:06 /
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Kommentarer: 1

IMDB rating: 6.9/10
Anna's rating: 9.5/10
This film was just amazing. It was one of the scariest films I've seen, and it was really well made. It was completely different to what I had expected, I thought it would be something along the lines of the omen, with a crazy posessed kid running around being evil, but it's nothing like that. It's a little confusing but definitely good. I was so scared to sleep after, as I kept getting flashes of the film in my head! Although I wasn't really happy with the cliffhanger ending, I'm not a big fan of those!
Definitely recommend if you like scary movies!

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2
Den:2011-07-16 Kl: 12:00:01 /
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Kommentarer: 1

IMDB rating: 8.7/10
Anna's rating: 8/10
Ok so this film is rated REALLY high on IMDB, and I can't really argue with that, because it's an amazing film. The effects are brilliant and the film does all the right things, made me cry at all the right moments.
But a one big NO from someone who has read the book many, many, MANY times!
I was sooo dissapointed with their following of the book. I know that most films vary a bit from the book because they have to take stuff out to make the films shorter etc so some things need changing. But they just went overboard, and changed petty little things that just did NOT need changing.
I won't give anything away for people who haven't seen it or read the book, but I was so angry throughout the film, kept thinking "what?! that's not how it is in the book!"
But if you haven't read the book, or maybe atleast only read it once, then it is a very good film.
I just wonder how J.K. Rowling feels after seeing it...

Den:2011-07-14 Kl: 11:56:22 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating: 5.0/10
Anna's rating: 6.5/10
This film is supposed to be a comedy based on films like Kidulthood and Adulthood. It was a good film in the sense that the story line was good, and the ending was quite emotional and good!
However, I personally don't like over the top humour, which sort of killed the film for me as it's very over the top in that way!
It wasn't the worst film though, although it did take ages to start up properly, I did feel like turning it off in the beginning because it was quite boring!
Overall, not the worst film I've seen :)

Fright Night
Den:2011-06-24 Kl: 18:03:24 /
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Kommentarer: 1

IMDB rating: 6.9/10
Anna's rating:8.5/10
So we watched this film on Tuesday night, and I didn't actually expect it to be that good, as it's an old film and just didn't seem that great... But I was pleasantly surprised :)
The film had me engaged the whole time, I didn't get bored at all, and I was actually scared!
Definitely recommend if you enjoy scary movies :) The effects are brilliant too!
Without giving too much away, the film is about a young boy who is being haunted by a vampire who wants to kill him!

Little Fockers
Den:2011-06-12 Kl: 22:26:05 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating:5.3/10
Anna's rating:6/10
I love "Meet the Parents" and "Meet the Fockers" but I think this film was a bit of a let down.
It's not as funny, and the story line isn't that great. You would think that it would be more based around the kids, seeing as it's called "Little Fockers" but it's not. It's not the worst film, but definitely doesn't match up to the first 2.
Also, the poster shows babies, but they are not babies in the film.

Life as we Know it
Den:2011-05-24 Kl: 10:23:00 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating:6.2/10
Anna's rating:10/10
I think this was the best movie I've seen in a long time. I absolutely fell in love with it. I actually watched it twice. It's a beautiful comedy about a man and woman who get thrown into looking after a baby, and have to sacrifice their current lives for it. It's a really cute film, and one I will definitely be watching again!

Nothing to Lose
Den:2011-05-13 Kl: 08:40:00 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating: 6.5/10
Anna's rating:6/10
A quite funny comedy about a guy who finds out his wife is cheating on him and then goes doing loads of bad things. (Simplest way to put it without giving too much away!)
It was a good film, but definitely not the best!

I love you, man
Den:2011-05-05 Kl: 00:40:06 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating: 7.2/10
Anna's rating: 7.9/10
A very funny romantic comedy about a couple who are going to get married, but the groom has no friends. So he goes on a search for friends through "man-dates". There's not a lot to say about this film, but it's definitely worth watching! Made me laugh and definitely lifted my spirits up :)

Red Riding Hood
Den:2011-04-20 Kl: 21:43:43 /
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Kommentarer: 1

IMDB rating: 4.8/10
Anna's rating: 8.5/10
Definitely a must see, this is a film about a young girl who has fallen in love with a boy, in a village haunted by a werewolf! It's a little different than what I had expected, and could definitely be improved with the fear-factor. I think it's a bit more of a teen film rather than a scary film, but thankfully for me I'm all for that :)
The romance in the movie was so painfully cute, and just makes you go Awwhh ♥
Would definitely recommend, especially if you enjoyed Twilight!
P.S. Amanda Seyfried is so HOT! ♥

The Rebound
Den:2011-03-24 Kl: 10:26:24 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating: 6.4/10
Anna's rating: 9/10
This is a really nice romantic comedy about a woman who finds out that her husband has been cheating on her, and then moves to a city to start her life again. She falls for a young guy who she has hired as her babysitter! It was a really lovely film, and it had me smiling pretty much throughout! :)
Although I have to say, they could have did the ending a lot better, because I was like whatt?! when the film finished! Other than that it's a brilliant film, especially for people who love romance! ♥

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Den:2011-02-27 Kl: 20:23:50 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating: 8.0/10
Anna's rating: 9.2/10
I have to say, when this film came out I knew it was something amazing! I don't know why I've waited so long to see it!
The film is about a boy who is born as an old man and ages backwards, becoming younger and younger, as everyone he knows gets older. It's the most amazing, touching story, and I think if you haven't seen it then DEFINITELY watch it!!

Shutter Island
Den:2010-12-30 Kl: 21:02:38 /
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Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating: 8.0/10
Anna's rating: 9.4/10
This is a film about a psychiatric hospital on a remote island, where a US Marshal is investigating the disappearance of a woman who has murdered her children. It really reminded me of Inception, and it's a really good movie, with an amazing twist at the end. I would definitely DEFINITELY recommend this film.