Day Zero - no.68
Den:2012-04-11 Kl: 11:24:41 /
Day Zero Project /
Kommentarer: 1
So no.68 on my day zero list is to paint every nail a different colour and leave it for a week! I did it a few days ago and I actually love how it looks! All bright and colourful, actually makes everything seem a little happier :)
All the nail varnishes I'm wearing are from Rimmel London :)

All the nail varnishes I'm wearing are from Rimmel London :)

Day Zero
Den:2012-03-07 Kl: 17:01:00 /
Day Zero Project /
Kommentarer: 1
Ok, so I know I started this like agesss ago, but I did sort of abandon it and I did think I was going to be going to Fiji this summer, but now that that's not going to happen, I think I can try to get back on track with the Day Zero Project.
I have updated the list a little bit, so I am posting the new one here. I have also reset the date of the start of the project to today, woo! (Ok so I'm cheating a little, but hey!)
I've already completed some of the goals, although I don't have enough goals to complete the 100.. but I will add more as they come to me :) I've also made a picture of my "someday" list, although I don't really like the fact that that sounds like it's going to be really far in the future.. I would like to complete as many of my "someday" goals as soon as possible! Although some will be a lot harder, and wayyy more expensive! Like visiting every continent ha!
Ooops I just realised I haven't put "move abroad" onto the list.. ah well, I will update that next time! I do definitely want to move abroad, hopefully to New Zealand! Eek!
But yes, this now has it's own category, and I will try to post updates on completing the goals, as I kind of haven't up till now.. i.e. horse-riding in Poland but didn't really update or write about that as a goal completed, just as it happened!
Anyway, like I have said before, it's awesome having these lists!
They do come out awfully blurry on here, you can always right click and view image to see them a little clearer :D
Current List

The "someday" list

I have updated the list a little bit, so I am posting the new one here. I have also reset the date of the start of the project to today, woo! (Ok so I'm cheating a little, but hey!)
I've already completed some of the goals, although I don't have enough goals to complete the 100.. but I will add more as they come to me :) I've also made a picture of my "someday" list, although I don't really like the fact that that sounds like it's going to be really far in the future.. I would like to complete as many of my "someday" goals as soon as possible! Although some will be a lot harder, and wayyy more expensive! Like visiting every continent ha!
Ooops I just realised I haven't put "move abroad" onto the list.. ah well, I will update that next time! I do definitely want to move abroad, hopefully to New Zealand! Eek!
But yes, this now has it's own category, and I will try to post updates on completing the goals, as I kind of haven't up till now.. i.e. horse-riding in Poland but didn't really update or write about that as a goal completed, just as it happened!
Anyway, like I have said before, it's awesome having these lists!
They do come out awfully blurry on here, you can always right click and view image to see them a little clearer :D
Current List

The "someday" list

Day Zero Project
Den:2011-10-23 Kl: 18:17:37 /
Day Zero Project /
Kommentarer: 1
So I got inspired and created this Day Zero list, and although it's supposed to be 101 things, I'm sure there will be more things I think of to add to the list! It's basically a list of things you aim to accomplish within the next 1001 days, and also lists of things you hope to do "someday" but not sure when ;)
It was extremely fun to do, and just made me realise how many amazing things I aim to do in my life, and hopefully over the course of the next few years! Although things like buying a house, and travelling the world are on my "someday" list, I do hope to do them as soon as possible.
Looking at the list is an amazing boost to encourage you to work hard, and I would strongly recommend making such a list for yourself, especially if you find it hard to get motivated to do things.

It was extremely fun to do, and just made me realise how many amazing things I aim to do in my life, and hopefully over the course of the next few years! Although things like buying a house, and travelling the world are on my "someday" list, I do hope to do them as soon as possible.
Looking at the list is an amazing boost to encourage you to work hard, and I would strongly recommend making such a list for yourself, especially if you find it hard to get motivated to do things.