Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2

IMDB rating: 8.7/10
Anna's rating: 8/10
Ok so this film is rated REALLY high on IMDB, and I can't really argue with that, because it's an amazing film. The effects are brilliant and the film does all the right things, made me cry at all the right moments.
But a one big NO from someone who has read the book many, many, MANY times!
I was sooo dissapointed with their following of the book. I know that most films vary a bit from the book because they have to take stuff out to make the films shorter etc so some things need changing. But they just went overboard, and changed petty little things that just did NOT need changing.
I won't give anything away for people who haven't seen it or read the book, but I was so angry throughout the film, kept thinking "what?! that's not how it is in the book!"
But if you haven't read the book, or maybe atleast only read it once, then it is a very good film.
I just wonder how J.K. Rowling feels after seeing it...

Postat av: Closet Fashionista
I actually really loved it. And JK Rowling is involved the WHOLE time, so if she doesnt like something it doesn't happen in the film. So she approved of everything they did. I agree with them too (for the most part) on things that they changed)
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