Pumpkin carving!

Indian Food Takeaway!
But yeah, take aways and The O.C. are the best thing ever :D
I'm also working on an awesome project for the Fiji Volunteering, I can't wait to be able to write about it! (Hopefully it'll work out)
I haven't really been able to blog much recently because I'm always so busy these days I can't wait to have some time to myself on Friday and Saturday!

Day Zero Project
It was extremely fun to do, and just made me realise how many amazing things I aim to do in my life, and hopefully over the course of the next few years! Although things like buying a house, and travelling the world are on my "someday" list, I do hope to do them as soon as possible.
Looking at the list is an amazing boost to encourage you to work hard, and I would strongly recommend making such a list for yourself, especially if you find it hard to get motivated to do things.

Off to Fiji!
Chicken with Creamy Mushroom Sauce

Serve with rice, noodles or potatoes :)
- 4 Chicken breast fillets
- Butter (better with actual butter)
- Mushrooms
- 1/2 cup of chicken stock
- 1/2 cream
- 2 cloves of garlic (crushed)
- Fresh spring onions (chopped)
- Frying pan
- Foil
- Plates
- Heat up the frying pan and melt the butter
- Cook the chicken breast fillets (all at once or 2 at a time depending on the size of your frying pan) on both sides until cooked throughout
- Once cooked, transfer the chicken to a plate and cover with foil to keep the heat in
- Add the mushrooms to the pan and cook, stirring occasionally, until soft
- Add the stock, cream and crushed garlic and bring to the boil. Let it cook until the sauce thickens slightly
- Add the chopped spring onions and pour the sauce over the chicken fillets.
- Eat :D

Cute nails!

I love Fino sticks! Simple black nail polish from Rimmel, and some cute cat artwork!

Fancy dress at work
Back in Lasenza where I belong! Haha!
We had fancy dress at work to raise money for breast cancer, and I dressed up as Minnie Mouse! It was really fun, although I did have to stand at the front of the store on my own and try get donations from a cake sale! That was a bit awkward, but fun at the same time! Especially seeing everyones faces light up and smile when they saw me! ("Mummy look its Minnie Mouse!" - was the highlight I think haha)
Also had to walk around the shopping centre like that giving out brouchures to staff in other shops!
But yeah it was a fun experience, and today I had a whole day in the stock room, from which I'm so tired!
I really do miss Lasenza Brent Cross though, didn't realise just how much until I started in this one :(

New laptop
I took it to uni the other day to take notes in my lectures, and then went on it in the library too, which is good since all the computers are usually taken!

Next to my other laptop!

Cinema times
We went to see Don't be Afraid of the Dark, which has definitely made me be afraid of the dark now haha!
Popcorn and fanta frozen are just an unbeatable combination :) Although I don't know what was wrong with me, I kept dropping the popcorn everywhere!
I didn't really expect the cinema to have a lot of people at that time, but it was actually quite packed out! Although our film didn't have many people, apart from a bunch of really annoying teenagers who wouldn't shut up.
I love being out late at night, when it's all dark, because the city looks so pretty :D the trees are all lit up and so are a lot of the buildings, it's just so much prettier than back in London!

Don't be afraid of the dark

IMDB rating: 6.2/10
Anna's rating: 8.7/10
I actually really liked this film. It's a bit cheesy as it's about adults not believing a kid, which is quite a popular theme in films, but nonetheless it's an awesome film. It's about a child who moves in with her father and his new girlfriend and finds that there are ancient creatures in the basement of the house who can only come out in the dark, who try to take her as one of them. I was hiding away at some scenes because I actually couldn't watch! The ending was sad aswell which is a bit different from your normal cheesy horror.
I'm definitely scared of the dark now.

So there's some really cute stuff I got lately that I really love!
This beautiful bag I got from my union shop at Uni, £38
Absolutely love the design of it, and it's really big, fits my laptop and lots of other things! The front is waterproof too!
This really cute poncho from River Island, £32
And this really gorgeous scarf from River Island, £16
I got some pretty awesome posters for our house from uni :)
There's the vodka revolution poster, which was free from the activities fair, and there's the amazing beautiful london poster which we got from the poster sale at uni :) There's one more poster which is of a gorgeous sunset at the beach but it keeps falling down :(
But I love how they really make the flat more cosy and nice! If you're moving out, posters and paintings are definitely a way to make your place nicer!!
Going out
Meadowhall Student Lock-in
There was about 10,000 students there, so it was pretty hectic! I was pretty glad we got there at like 5ish, even though the thing started at like 7.30pm! Waited in the queue for ages, but it was worth it because we were at the front! Well, nearly.
It wasn't too bad waiting though, because they had a big radio station in a van next to us with massive speakers and they were playing loud music! Not to mention there was stilt walkers walking around, making balloon animals for people, and they also gave out free beach balls, red bull and krispy kreme donuts! (Although we didn't manage to get any donuts :( I was so upset!!)
When they finally checked our ID's and gave us wristbands we went in! All the shops had lots of student offers on, although the lines to pay were pretty ridiculous, especially in Topshop. I just refused to go in there to be honest. It was crazy!
There was DJs in loads of shops, and free drinks and snacks and stuff aswell. I got a lovely big bag from River Island, and a gorgeous scarf and a top too! And some shoes from New Look, and 3 shower gels, an AMAZING rose hand cream, and hand gel from Body Shop :)

29/09/2011 Shopping time!

Heatwave outfit! It felt so nice to be able to wear summer clothes, considering there was hardly any chances to do that during the ACTUAL summer! I think most of the UK had a huge heatwave, that was supposed to only last a week, but it's the second week now and when we went out today it was 25 degrees! I think I would rather it went back to being cooler now though...

Freshers Fair 2011
The line to get in was ridiculous though, I almost didn't go! I'm really glad I went though, I got some really cool stuff, including some mugs, pads (lol), a nice bag from urban outfitters, elle magazine, nail varnish, lip gloss, lots and lots of pens, and some other stuff!
Ikea were actually giving away free sleeping pillows, but unfortunately by the time I got there, they were all gone :(
Overall my first week at uni has been really great, I've actually enjoyed it so much :) Love (nearly) all my lectures, and I'm just so in love with the union and library that I could live there haha!
Although I have so many books to read!
I'm also pretty excited because of something I did today, but I won't say more about it yet ;) just incase!