Last week
Den:2012-09-29 Kl: 12:22:37 /
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So I went back to uni on Monday - although it's kind of a waste of time because I changed course now so as of the coming Monday I'll be on another course - eek!
Had a lovely coffee social on Wednesday at the Interval, I swear they make the nicest food in the whole of uni! Did mean to take pictures but ended up not taking any :( The weather was disguistingly horrible on those first few days of uni just full of really bad rain and strong winds - broke a brand new umbrella in about 15 minutes! :(
But on Thursday night we had a proper social, with a cops and robbers theme, which was even better! Kind of sad that I won't be part of that society any more as it's pretty awesome, but I did promise I would still go to their socials! :) We had a really good night and met some lovely people too! I did end up getting way more ill because of it though, but I guess it's better to get ill now and get it over with!
Yesterday after lots of meetings at uni for the course change, I met Kendra! It was so lovely to finally meet her, and she has the most amazing American accent! Ha! But it was really great and we went to see Ted in the cinema! I've been meaning to see it for ages so it was good to finally go see it. Anyway, off to work now unfortunately, with the biggest headache and sore throat :( Fun!

September randoms
Den:2012-09-19 Kl: 11:45:47 /
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Kommentarer: 3
Just thinking how sad it is when people you really thought were your friends and cared about you actually don't care about you at all... It's quite eye opening when you realise that, and to be honest, it really hurts a lot! Especially if you actually really cared about them yourself.. When I went to London, I kind of realised who my real friends were. I just thought that I'm not going to bother trying to keep in contact with anyone anymore, unless they've actually made an effort too! Not going to go more into that, but yeah!
Anyway, my auntie and uncle had a beautiful baby 2 weeks ago, and last weekend I went up to York to see it! So adorable and tiny :) Just holding him made me feel all warm and fuzzy :D
Oh and - I have brown hair again :) with blonde ends ! Woo!

Excuse the lack of make up and how awful and tired I look - its just such a cute picture:)

With my own baby;)

Poland - August 2012
Den:2012-09-05 Kl: 17:58:26 /
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Kommentarer: 1
So I went to Poland for a week near the end of August, followed by a few days in London to catch up with everyone. It was really lovely, and I couldn't get enough of the food! I swear I feel like I've gained 5kg since I left.. I miss the huuuuge waffles already!
I got my hair done blonde in Poland but the lady messed it up pretty bad, so I literally just went brown today! Eek! Anyway, didn't really get up to much apart from being dragged to see people and spending money so there's not much to write about! It was sooo hot though, 36 degrees! Crazy.. has made me think twice about wether or not I want to live in California! Hehe...
It was a good holiday though and I can't wait till my little cousin comes to visit us next year:D