Den:2011-05-31 Kl: 18:04:38 /
On cam /
Kommentarer: 0
Oh my goodness
Den:2011-05-30 Kl: 22:19:14 /
General /
Kommentarer: 0

I wish I was wearing...
Den:2011-05-29 Kl: 18:14:34 /
Wishlists /
Kommentarer: 4
New layout & blog
Den:2011-05-29 Kl: 17:03:28 /
General /
Kommentarer: 0
I finally got round to getting a brand new layout :D I love it!
And also just created a new blog, that I will be running mostly after I move out :) (So in about a month!)
Check it out below! I just finished doing the layout so I'm quite proud :D
Cosmetics shopping
Den:2011-05-29 Kl: 16:23:00 /
Shopping /
Kommentarer: 0
My parcel came with all my lovely things from Oriflame :) This is all the stuff that's minee including some free gifts :) I can't wait to start using it all!
Friday @ Pizza Express
Den:2011-05-28 Kl: 22:21:51 /
General /
Kommentarer: 2
So I met up with Tina, Pre and Jodie yesterday, my lovely Lasenza girlies :) We went to Pizza Express for a lovely lunch!
I haven't seen Tina for like 5 months so it was reallyyyy lovely seeing her!
I wish I was wearing..
Den:2011-05-26 Kl: 16:26:46 /
Wishlists /
Kommentarer: 1
Nail collection
Den:2011-05-26 Kl: 15:59:07 /
Nails /
Kommentarer: 1

Life as we Know it
Den:2011-05-24 Kl: 10:23:00 /
Movies /
Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating:6.2/10
Anna's rating:10/10
I think this was the best movie I've seen in a long time. I absolutely fell in love with it. I actually watched it twice. It's a beautiful comedy about a man and woman who get thrown into looking after a baby, and have to sacrifice their current lives for it. It's a really cute film, and one I will definitely be watching again!

Laser treatment; Before and after
Den:2011-05-23 Kl: 16:42:42 /
My laser treatment /
Kommentarer: 1
After 10 laser treatments, 5 of which were for spots, and 5 for redness.
I can't complain, but I did think it would be a lot better at the end, especially with the redness. But I guess because it was untreated for so long, I would need more than 5 treatments for rosacea.
My face is a lot smoother, and I actually don't wear foundation anymore, which is a great achievement. A bit of powder and that's it :) I would carry on with it but it is very costly, so maybe another time!
Also, it's VERY painful. Don't let them deceive you with " pain free laser " adverts. Seriously. Especially the rosacea one. Unbearable.
I can't complain, but I did think it would be a lot better at the end, especially with the redness. But I guess because it was untreated for so long, I would need more than 5 treatments for rosacea.
My face is a lot smoother, and I actually don't wear foundation anymore, which is a great achievement. A bit of powder and that's it :) I would carry on with it but it is very costly, so maybe another time!
Also, it's VERY painful. Don't let them deceive you with " pain free laser " adverts. Seriously. Especially the rosacea one. Unbearable.

Goodbye Lasenza
Den:2011-05-22 Kl: 23:09:51 /
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Kommentarer: 1
So I haven't blogged for ages, feels weird! I have had quite a rough week, but I have to say the amount of amazing support and care I have received from all my friends has been amazing!
I had my last day at work yesterday, which wasn't as emotional as I thought it would be! Oana cried, but I felt ok because I knew that I will be seeing all the girls again on the 31st for my leaving do :)
Lasenza has been a big part of my life for the last few years, and I will actually miss it a lot more than I thought. Especially all the girls, they have made it what it is, and I will never forget them ♥
I got this lovely bunch of roses from Chavelle, I was so surprised! :) They're really beautiful, and smell so great!
Oh and apparently, I have a surprise coming on my leaving do, so really looking forward to that!

I had my last day at work yesterday, which wasn't as emotional as I thought it would be! Oana cried, but I felt ok because I knew that I will be seeing all the girls again on the 31st for my leaving do :)
Lasenza has been a big part of my life for the last few years, and I will actually miss it a lot more than I thought. Especially all the girls, they have made it what it is, and I will never forget them ♥
I got this lovely bunch of roses from Chavelle, I was so surprised! :) They're really beautiful, and smell so great!
Oh and apparently, I have a surprise coming on my leaving do, so really looking forward to that!

Den:2011-05-14 Kl: 19:43:31 /
General /
Kommentarer: 1
"If I could have one lifetime wish, one wish that would come true, I'd pray to God with all my heart, for yesterday...and you!"
I'm going to be taking a break from blogging for a while, I don't know when I will be back. I have suffered some great losses in my life, and I don't know when I will be able to come back to this. The coming times are going to be very dark for me, and it's not something I want to share with people, and burden people with.
If I ignore you, it is not by purpose, it is simply because I am too all over the place, or don't feel like talking to anyone.
Sorry, and hope everyone has a good time.

I'm going to be taking a break from blogging for a while, I don't know when I will be back. I have suffered some great losses in my life, and I don't know when I will be able to come back to this. The coming times are going to be very dark for me, and it's not something I want to share with people, and burden people with.
If I ignore you, it is not by purpose, it is simply because I am too all over the place, or don't feel like talking to anyone.
Sorry, and hope everyone has a good time.

Nothing to Lose
Den:2011-05-13 Kl: 08:40:00 /
Movies /
Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating: 6.5/10
Anna's rating:6/10
A quite funny comedy about a guy who finds out his wife is cheating on him and then goes doing loads of bad things. (Simplest way to put it without giving too much away!)
It was a good film, but definitely not the best!

Den:2011-05-11 Kl: 20:04:10 /
Nails /
Kommentarer: 2
I got bored and I got a couple new nail varnishes so I thought I'd be a bit more interesting. I also created a new category because I post a lot of nail stuff :)
Rimmel ; 825 - sky high
Rimmel; 025 - strawberry (this one actually smells like strawberries after it dries, it's amazing!)

Rimmel ; 825 - sky high
Rimmel; 025 - strawberry (this one actually smells like strawberries after it dries, it's amazing!)

Some jewellery
Den:2011-05-11 Kl: 14:52:10 /
Shopping /
Kommentarer: 1
So this lovely jewellery came in the post today :) I'm quite happy with it, especially the bracelet, it's so unique, the black bits are actually magnets that clip together :) but I had to re-pierce my ears because I haven't worn earings in such a long time! Sooo painful! I'm never leaving my ears without earings for this long again!

Things to appreciate
Den:2011-05-10 Kl: 01:01:50 /
Quotes /
Kommentarer: 2

Den:2011-05-08 Kl: 22:29:02 /
Kommentarer: 0
Since I'm leaving Lasenza, I thought it would be appropriate to have a small giveaway before I leave!

1. Gorgeous matching eyemask and sock set (first place)
2. Lovely flower smelling bath fizz (runner up)
How to enter;
1. Follow @annarozanska on twitter :)
2. Send an email to [email protected] stating your twitter name, and one thing you like about this blog, and one thing you dislike about this blog! (Be honest; the most interesting entries will be picked)
Giveaway closes
Monday 16th May :)

Since I'm leaving Lasenza, I thought it would be appropriate to have a small giveaway before I leave!

1. Gorgeous matching eyemask and sock set (first place)
2. Lovely flower smelling bath fizz (runner up)
How to enter;
1. Follow @annarozanska on twitter :)
2. Send an email to [email protected] stating your twitter name, and one thing you like about this blog, and one thing you dislike about this blog! (Be honest; the most interesting entries will be picked)
Giveaway closes
Monday 16th May :)

Green :)
Den:2011-05-08 Kl: 22:01:57 /
Shopping /
Kommentarer: 2
Lovely earings I picked up from Boots today :) On half price, so all of them for only £3.25! Loves it! <3

Den:2011-05-08 Kl: 14:06:00 /
Quotes /
Kommentarer: 0
Den:2011-05-07 Kl: 19:48:00 /
General /
Kommentarer: 1
So a lot has happened lately! For one, I quit my job. It's definitely for the best, although I'm going to miss everyone alot :(
I just don't need the stress that now comes with this job, since it has changed so much and my new manager seems to have something against me for no reason...
My last day is going to be on the 21st of May, and after that I can really put all my efforts into revising for my exam!
It's really stressing me out that it's getting so near and I haven't actually done much revision.
I've also recently become a consultant for Oriflame :)
Please use the link below to go to my oriflame page and click "order from me" to look for anything you would like to buy :)

I just don't need the stress that now comes with this job, since it has changed so much and my new manager seems to have something against me for no reason...
My last day is going to be on the 21st of May, and after that I can really put all my efforts into revising for my exam!
It's really stressing me out that it's getting so near and I haven't actually done much revision.
I've also recently become a consultant for Oriflame :)
Please use the link below to go to my oriflame page and click "order from me" to look for anything you would like to buy :)

New phone
Den:2011-05-07 Kl: 19:17:27 /
General /
Kommentarer: 1
So I just got a new phone a few days ago, with a new contract from 3 mobile :)
It's £15 a month, for 500 minutes, 5,000 texts, and 1GB of internet :) I think that's amazing value, don't you? :D
Very very happy, I've been spending the last few days just playing around with it and customising it and downloading lots of apps haha!
I love it so far, although there has been some complications but managed to resolve them all so far..
I got the Samsung Galaxy Portal :)

It's £15 a month, for 500 minutes, 5,000 texts, and 1GB of internet :) I think that's amazing value, don't you? :D
Very very happy, I've been spending the last few days just playing around with it and customising it and downloading lots of apps haha!
I love it so far, although there has been some complications but managed to resolve them all so far..
I got the Samsung Galaxy Portal :)

IOU Project
Den:2011-05-06 Kl: 21:18:23 /
Charities /
Kommentarer: 0
So a little while ago I wrote about this amazing project that's launching soon! According to their Facebook page, they will be launching in just a few short days! :) YAY!
I'm very excited, and if you haven't checked them out, go to my "charities" category and watch the youtube video to see what it's all about!
And check out their facebook page too!
In short, it's an amazing clothing label that will be providing hand made clothes, where each one will be different from the other! The fact you can communicate with the people who made it aswell, in my opinion, is pretty awesome! :) Loving it!

I'm very excited, and if you haven't checked them out, go to my "charities" category and watch the youtube video to see what it's all about!
And check out their facebook page too!
In short, it's an amazing clothing label that will be providing hand made clothes, where each one will be different from the other! The fact you can communicate with the people who made it aswell, in my opinion, is pretty awesome! :) Loving it!

Den:2011-05-05 Kl: 14:29:48 /
Nails /
Kommentarer: 0
So I just got some new nail varnish from Boots, and I'm not sure if I like it! I'm thinking it's a bit too shimmery?
Rimmel ; 605 - Purple Reign
Also, I realise that the picture is SUCH bad quality compared to my other nail pictures! I have no idea what happened to my camera, I need to fix it :(

Rimmel ; 605 - Purple Reign
Also, I realise that the picture is SUCH bad quality compared to my other nail pictures! I have no idea what happened to my camera, I need to fix it :(

I love you, man
Den:2011-05-05 Kl: 00:40:06 /
Movies /
Kommentarer: 0

IMDB rating: 7.2/10
Anna's rating: 7.9/10
A very funny romantic comedy about a couple who are going to get married, but the groom has no friends. So he goes on a search for friends through "man-dates". There's not a lot to say about this film, but it's definitely worth watching! Made me laugh and definitely lifted my spirits up :)

Long weekend
Den:2011-05-02 Kl: 11:57:12 /
General /
Kommentarer: 1
So I spent a really nice long chilled weekend at my house, Ali came first for a bit and then Hasan came over after, as he had some stuff to do. It was really lovely, relaxed weekend, consisting of lots of tea, snacks, and movies! :)
It was a really nice break from the past couple of weeks at work, just to spend time at home not worrying about anything!
Back to work tomorrow though :( not looking forward to that!

Having tea and biscuits outside in the garden:)♥ Excuse the no make up face!

Watching the sunset♥

It was a really nice break from the past couple of weeks at work, just to spend time at home not worrying about anything!
Back to work tomorrow though :( not looking forward to that!

Having tea and biscuits outside in the garden:)♥ Excuse the no make up face!

Watching the sunset♥