Happy Hallowe'en!
Den:2010-10-31 Kl: 00:06:00 /
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Kommentarer: 3
Well tomorrow is Hallowe'en! Can't say I'm doing much, considering I'm stuck at work all day! Although I am going to stay at Ali & Hasans after!
The clocks go back an hour tonight, so will get an extra hour of sleep! Can't complain because I'm taking the bus to work tomorrow so I'm gonna have to get up earlier!
I'm back home now though, gonna be missing them all over again!

The clocks go back an hour tonight, so will get an extra hour of sleep! Can't complain because I'm taking the bus to work tomorrow so I'm gonna have to get up earlier!
I'm back home now though, gonna be missing them all over again!

Den:2010-10-29 Kl: 16:04:58 /
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Kommentarer: 2
Well, I haven't blogged for a while, considering I've been staying at Ali & Hasans since Monday!
It's been really nice, mostly playing PS3 and watching documentaries!
Went to their uni too, which was nice. Went to do some shopping which was a bit unsuccessful, because all the shops there are really crap and small!
I got a horrible burn on my hand though, whilst making food :( Always seems to happen :( Still have a fat scar days later!
I got a really lovely surprise too :) they got me the complete series of Friends on DVD! I was well happy :)
I've wanted it for so long and now I have it :) Can't wait to go home and watch it!!
So much love :))

It's been really nice, mostly playing PS3 and watching documentaries!
Went to their uni too, which was nice. Went to do some shopping which was a bit unsuccessful, because all the shops there are really crap and small!
I got a horrible burn on my hand though, whilst making food :( Always seems to happen :( Still have a fat scar days later!
I got a really lovely surprise too :) they got me the complete series of Friends on DVD! I was well happy :)
I've wanted it for so long and now I have it :) Can't wait to go home and watch it!!
So much love :))

Den:2010-10-25 Kl: 11:34:02 /
On cam /
Kommentarer: 2
Ah, Monday's are so difficult! But yeah, running late by about half an hour! Soo not like me! Have to leave now, gonna go stay at Ali & Hasan's for a week :)
I'm wearing some old River Island jumper, and I forgot how annoying it is! Grr!

I'm wearing some old River Island jumper, and I forgot how annoying it is! Grr!

Den:2010-10-23 Kl: 22:14:54 /
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Kommentarer: 2
So Pat came to my house last night, it was so lovely seeing her after ages! :)
We watched Mean Girls, a movie a completely love! It sooo made me miss my blonde hair though, its unreal! I want it back :'( I think I will go back to blonde very soon!
I couldn't go to work today because my skin still wasn't good enough after the laser! I couldn't bear to put make up on it when its all dry and peeling off! It's still not completely better but it has gone down a bit and I can't keep staying home :( so I'm gonna have to go in tomorrow so I'm just hoping it's gonna be better by tomorrow morning! Otherwise it's gonna be really hard to put make up on!
Anyway, since I still got up at 8,30 and I can't go back to sleep after I get up, and Pat got up with me because I asked her to set an alarm incase I oversleep, we were up at like 8.30 and we spent most of the day watching movies! We watched Legally Blonde (another amazing movie!), and Tom & Jerry :D, and then Just Like Heaven, ahh I love it!
But yeah, it was really lovely seeing her and spending time with her :)
I miss my blonde so much :(

We watched Mean Girls, a movie a completely love! It sooo made me miss my blonde hair though, its unreal! I want it back :'( I think I will go back to blonde very soon!
I couldn't go to work today because my skin still wasn't good enough after the laser! I couldn't bear to put make up on it when its all dry and peeling off! It's still not completely better but it has gone down a bit and I can't keep staying home :( so I'm gonna have to go in tomorrow so I'm just hoping it's gonna be better by tomorrow morning! Otherwise it's gonna be really hard to put make up on!
Anyway, since I still got up at 8,30 and I can't go back to sleep after I get up, and Pat got up with me because I asked her to set an alarm incase I oversleep, we were up at like 8.30 and we spent most of the day watching movies! We watched Legally Blonde (another amazing movie!), and Tom & Jerry :D, and then Just Like Heaven, ahh I love it!
But yeah, it was really lovely seeing her and spending time with her :)

I miss my blonde so much :(

My cute cat :)
Den:2010-10-23 Kl: 11:58:27 /
My cat /
Kommentarer: 3
I love this picture of her, taken on Pat's amazing camera :)

Den:2010-10-21 Kl: 20:42:33 /
My laser treatment /
Kommentarer: 1
So today was a weird day! I finally got my first treatment at The Harley Medical Group, the PPx Laser!
It felt so strange going out with no make up on, definitely don't want to repeat that again!
It was the strangest thing, although not entirely pain-free like it was supposed to be! It was like a mini-hoover which sucked your skin in and then pulsed the light from the laser into it! Quite painful, especially when done on any spots!
At the moment, my skin is more red than usual, but it's supposed to start getting better within 24 hours. The laser is meant to help spots and redness, so hopefully my skin will return back to normal!
Session two booked in already, looking forward to being able to wear no make up again :)
I have taken some before pictures, and will make a "before/after" once all the treatments are complete, and will see if I recommend it to others, as its quite an expensive procedure!
I'm really glad I finally got it done :D
Other than that an uneventful day really, although I should definitely say thank you to Hasan for helping me out so much!
Seeing Pat tomorrow which will be really nice, I miss her loads!

It felt so strange going out with no make up on, definitely don't want to repeat that again!
It was the strangest thing, although not entirely pain-free like it was supposed to be! It was like a mini-hoover which sucked your skin in and then pulsed the light from the laser into it! Quite painful, especially when done on any spots!
At the moment, my skin is more red than usual, but it's supposed to start getting better within 24 hours. The laser is meant to help spots and redness, so hopefully my skin will return back to normal!
Session two booked in already, looking forward to being able to wear no make up again :)
I have taken some before pictures, and will make a "before/after" once all the treatments are complete, and will see if I recommend it to others, as its quite an expensive procedure!
I'm really glad I finally got it done :D
Other than that an uneventful day really, although I should definitely say thank you to Hasan for helping me out so much!
Seeing Pat tomorrow which will be really nice, I miss her loads!

Den:2010-10-20 Kl: 19:07:55 /
Charities /
Kommentarer: 3

The most amazing video ever!
Den:2010-10-20 Kl: 13:32:27 /
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Kommentarer: 3
Everyone should see this! It's so funny!
I don't think it will work fully if I embed it, so here's the link!

I don't think it will work fully if I embed it, so here's the link!

So it's the end now :(
Den:2010-10-19 Kl: 18:57:57 /
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Kommentarer: 1

So my 2 week holiday is now over :( Feels soo weird to be away from Ali & Hasan now! It was really an amazing 2 weeks, we had so much fun! Also ate the most ridiculous amounts of junk too but hey! I'm really going to miss them living here and spending literally every day with them!
My parents came back today too, and got me this lovely necklace and bracelet from Cuba! I love it! :)
I <3 high heels
Den:2010-10-19 Kl: 17:55:06 /
Shopping /
Kommentarer: 2
New Look; £10

Den:2010-10-16 Kl: 00:14:58 /
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Kommentarer: 2
I think we're spending wayyy too much money! Seriously! We ordered pizza, and kebabs like twice, and done a fat shopping order from Tesco, just because we weren't bothered to go! Oops :P
We've been playing Wii a lot, and I've now been robbed of all my highscores! Grrr!
Also been watching Ali do his work for uni, it seems well fun doing painting on Photoshop with a graphics tablet!
I really want one:( wanna start to learn photoshop properly, Hasan tried to teach me but it seems too complicated and frustrating! But I will try! I've just found out that there are graphic design colleges offering online classes, which is actually pretty cool! I'll have to look more into that when I have more time and stuff! :)

We've been playing Wii a lot, and I've now been robbed of all my highscores! Grrr!
Also been watching Ali do his work for uni, it seems well fun doing painting on Photoshop with a graphics tablet!
I really want one:( wanna start to learn photoshop properly, Hasan tried to teach me but it seems too complicated and frustrating! But I will try! I've just found out that there are graphic design colleges offering online classes, which is actually pretty cool! I'll have to look more into that when I have more time and stuff! :)

Den:2010-10-12 Kl: 19:33:40 /
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Dinner time, anyone? :)

Falling in love..
Den:2010-10-12 Kl: 17:29:38 /
Music /
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I can't wait for this single to come out so I can download it! I can't stop listening to it! It's so nice!
Jessica Lowndes is actually so amazingly beautiful, it hurts! I loved her in 90210, and now that I've heard this song, I love her even more!

Jessica Lowndes is actually so amazingly beautiful, it hurts! I loved her in 90210, and now that I've heard this song, I love her even more!

Den:2010-10-10 Kl: 22:29:01 /
On cam /
Kommentarer: 4

Life is delicious...
Den:2010-10-10 Kl: 22:20:07 /
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Kommentarer: 0
Hello :)
I haven't blogged properly in a while! Probably because Ali & Hasan have been staying, so I haven't really spent much time on the computer!
We tried out the Wii Sports Resort, with shots for the losers! Was so funny :) I was just always winning! Haha!
Made the most amazing hot chocolates too! Using; Galaxy hot chocolate, double cream, milk, cinammon, vanilla sugar, and a milk frother!
I've also been having a few lessons in photoshop, as you can see with my lovely new picture editing skills! :P
We finally finished watching all the Harry Potters too! I'm soooo excited for the new one coming out next month! :D
Although I've sort of lost my respect for Emma Watson, as I saw her on the cover of Zoo magazine! What's that about? She's a role model for kids!
Food times :)

I haven't blogged properly in a while! Probably because Ali & Hasan have been staying, so I haven't really spent much time on the computer!
We tried out the Wii Sports Resort, with shots for the losers! Was so funny :) I was just always winning! Haha!
Made the most amazing hot chocolates too! Using; Galaxy hot chocolate, double cream, milk, cinammon, vanilla sugar, and a milk frother!
I've also been having a few lessons in photoshop, as you can see with my lovely new picture editing skills! :P
We finally finished watching all the Harry Potters too! I'm soooo excited for the new one coming out next month! :D
Although I've sort of lost my respect for Emma Watson, as I saw her on the cover of Zoo magazine! What's that about? She's a role model for kids!
Food times :)

Den:2010-10-08 Kl: 22:18:31 /
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Kommentarer: 2

Den:2010-10-07 Kl: 23:22:49 /
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I forgot how nice grilled crepes with cheese and frankfurters were! We made it this morning for breakfast :)
Although a bit gutted that Hasan's ones came out nicer than mine :P hehe
We made a nice smoothie with mango puree, banana, and strawberry syrup! Because we forgot to buy strawberries! But we got some today, along with loads of other snacks, so the next smoothie will be even nicer! :)
I got some lovely fruit lip balms too :)
Then we went to Starbucks, and ended up spending £21! Eeek! But it was lovely :)
We're gonna play Wii Sports Resort now!
Although a bit gutted that Hasan's ones came out nicer than mine :P hehe
We made a nice smoothie with mango puree, banana, and strawberry syrup! Because we forgot to buy strawberries! But we got some today, along with loads of other snacks, so the next smoothie will be even nicer! :)
I got some lovely fruit lip balms too :)
Then we went to Starbucks, and ended up spending £21! Eeek! But it was lovely :)
We're gonna play Wii Sports Resort now!

Den:2010-10-06 Kl: 21:35:39 /
On cam /
Kommentarer: 0

Cookies anyone?
Den:2010-10-06 Kl: 21:26:19 /
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We watched banged up abroad, and the third Harry Potter today :)
Then we made some cookies, which turned into a proper mission, because the mix wasn't doing what it was supposed to! :(
But then we went Tesco, and ended up not even getting the things we went for! lool!
Then we made some cookies, which turned into a proper mission, because the mix wasn't doing what it was supposed to! :(
But then we went Tesco, and ended up not even getting the things we went for! lool!

Good morning:)
Den:2010-10-05 Kl: 11:38:58 /
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So yesterday I went to help Ali & Hasan pack to come to my house :) it took a longgg time! Two huge bags! Took a cab to my house, which took ages because of the tube strikes!
Came home, set everything up, and cooked dinner ;) well technically just cooked what my mum already made before but yeah! Was nice!
Hasans a bit silly and he forgot the ps3 wires and stuff, so it was a mission to figure out how to watch a film! Apparently, the Wii doesn't read dvd's which was really a surprise because I always thought it did? :S hmm,
and my actual dvd player had no sound! But figured it out in the end, and watched Harry Potter :) ( my idea, of course)
Made the most gorgeous hot chocolate too, completely forgot to take a picture of it! Will probably make it again tonight, so I'll take a picture then :)
I got some scented candles that I used but although they smelt GORGEOUS in the pack, you actually can't really smell it when you light it! Gutted!
My house is SO cold though, its unreal!
But yeah, made breakfast, and Hasan was nice enough to wash the dishes for me :P
So I'm gonna make him watch the second Harry Potter now ;)

Came home, set everything up, and cooked dinner ;) well technically just cooked what my mum already made before but yeah! Was nice!
Hasans a bit silly and he forgot the ps3 wires and stuff, so it was a mission to figure out how to watch a film! Apparently, the Wii doesn't read dvd's which was really a surprise because I always thought it did? :S hmm,
and my actual dvd player had no sound! But figured it out in the end, and watched Harry Potter :) ( my idea, of course)
Made the most gorgeous hot chocolate too, completely forgot to take a picture of it! Will probably make it again tonight, so I'll take a picture then :)
I got some scented candles that I used but although they smelt GORGEOUS in the pack, you actually can't really smell it when you light it! Gutted!
My house is SO cold though, its unreal!
But yeah, made breakfast, and Hasan was nice enough to wash the dishes for me :P
So I'm gonna make him watch the second Harry Potter now ;)

Black hair?
Den:2010-10-03 Kl: 22:40:21 /
Hair styles /
Kommentarer: 0
So last night I dyed my hair and it was supposed to be brown.. but it came out black! I'm guessing because my hair was really light before! Eek! I'm not sure about it?

Den:2010-10-01 Kl: 20:32:55 /
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Went food shopping and around Edgware, and then stopped off at some nice new little cafe that's opened there called Shakes n Crepes ? I think.. But yeah, ordered some nice crepe with mozarella, tomato and spinach! It was soo good, but a bit much! And the most amazing milkshake, made with Galaxy chocolate and Lion bar!
Amazing :)
It was a really lovely time, apart from the horrible weather which kind of ruined it!

Amazing :)
It was a really lovely time, apart from the horrible weather which kind of ruined it!

Den:2010-10-01 Kl: 20:26:48 /
Shopping /
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From New Look :)
Went to Edgware today afternoon to do some food shopping for the two weeks, and went to New Look to get some shoes! These were on sale!
Went to Edgware today afternoon to do some food shopping for the two weeks, and went to New Look to get some shoes! These were on sale!

Lunch times!
Den:2010-10-01 Kl: 00:40:59 /
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Kommentarer: 1
Ok so my day today was not good AT ALL. Possibly makes the top 10 worst days of my life!
But apart from that, I had the most AMAZING lunch from Marks & Spencer!
A niceee smoked salmon baguette, and this amazing new dessert they're doing, rhubarb with custard and crumble! I swear I could buy it in bulk and just eat it! DEFINITELY recommend it to everyone! :)

But apart from that, I had the most AMAZING lunch from Marks & Spencer!
A niceee smoked salmon baguette, and this amazing new dessert they're doing, rhubarb with custard and crumble! I swear I could buy it in bulk and just eat it! DEFINITELY recommend it to everyone! :)