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Den:2011-06-18 Kl: 13:54:26 / General / Kommentarer: 1
This is a really cool and funny cartoon video that Hasan showed me last night, it actually made me laugh! I miss watching cartoons, definitely something on the to do list for when we move to Sheffield ;)
Also, not really going to blog in the next few days because I have an exam coming up, so hopefully I can stick to my promises and actually REVISE!
In the meantime, VOTE FOR ME in the model comp ;)


Den:2011-06-13 Kl: 13:28:11 / General / Kommentarer: 4
So I finally stayed at Ali and Hasan's this weekend, on Friday and Saturday :)
Maybe not the smartest idea since I have an exam in exactly one week, but was worth it :) let's just hope I don't fail now!
Was so good seeing them after like a month! We played the new Mortal Kombat, which was jokes, although I didn't really have much of a chance! It's such a fun game!
And we watched a really interesting documentary downstairs about Alien Invasions, it was really fascinating. It said how alien invasions are being taken really seriously by the US government and stuff! And played out a highly possible scenario! I want to make an underground hatch when we build our house, and store supplies and stuff haha! Yes I'm a big geek.
We also watched Little Fockers which was nice, although the film wasn't all that! Ordered dominos pizza after agess, I had like half of a large pizza by myself! Fatty!
Anyway, I'm doing really well in the model competition, please keep voting for me :D I reallly appreciate it, and let me know if you have voted and want to enter my giveaway!

Second day @ Blackpool - 4 June 2011

Den:2011-06-10 Kl: 13:07:58 / General / Kommentarer: 1
So I've finally come round to doing this! It's taken ages I know!
On the second day we actually went to the "Pleasure Beach Resort"  which is sort of like Thorpe Park! A very overpriced theme park haha! It was like £30 to get in, which was so not worth it!
But it was fun, and I went on the biggest rollercoaster there all by myself! Woo!
After that we went to the beach and made sandcastles :)

Love Gives Me Hope

Den:2011-06-06 Kl: 23:13:32 / General / Kommentarer: 1

Some amazingly cute stories that have touched my heart from the gorgeous site of Love Gives Me Hope!

  • "It's been 781 days today, what would have been our 7 years.
    I lost you to terminal leukemia, but before you left you gave me something.
    You wrote a thousand things you loved about me in a journal for each day and today, I see "Happy 7 years, I love you so much baby.""
  • "My husband and I started dating in the 9th grade. We have been happily married for 15 years today. None of our friends believed we could last this long. But when you find the one who completes your life and lights up your world everyday, there's no giving up."
  • "Today, Easter, I went to my boyfriend's house for lunch.
    "You need to find your easter egg in the backyard!" he said, excitedly as I came in.
    It was sitting in the middle of the yard. Curiously, I picked it up and popped it open.
    Inside was a ring. When I turned around, he was down on one knee."
  • "I was told he wouldn't make it. After 6 months his parents took him off life support. When his heart started to fail I went to kiss him goodbye. When I did his heart skipped a beat. It's been 6yrs. Tomorrow we're getting married."
  • "When I was in 3rd grade aboy came up to me and asked if he could borrow a pencil.
    We became best friends, but he moved away in sixth grade.
    There I was, studying in the library in college, when a guy whispered, "Can I borrow a pencil?"
    I looked up, and it was him. We've been dating ever since."
  • "I always find myself surrounded by nightmares whenever I go to sleep, the doctors give me medication for it, but it made me feel like my dreams are fake. One night, my crush randomly texted me at 1 AM. "Night beautiful! Dream about me;)" I did, and I haven't had a nightmare since."

First day @ Blackpool - 3 June 2011

Den:2011-06-06 Kl: 16:40:24 / General / Kommentarer: 0
I stayed at Oana's house on Thursday night, which was really nice, I played with her daughter Rebecca, who is 4, and is the most adorable girl :) We watched Aquamarine when we got in bed, although I think I'm the only one who actually stayed awake through the whole film!
We got up really early the next day and left for Blackpool! We drove for about just over 5 hours, and got lost when we got there haha! My bum felt like it was going to fall off!
We got to the hotel and ate at a lovely little cafe across the road, and then went to the beach! Collected lots of seashells and found lots of surprises on the way, such as dead jellyfish! Eek!
Then we went back home and got changed and went to a small funfair in the city center, as the pleasure beach was closed!
We stayed till a bit too late for the trams, so we had to walk for sooo long to catch the bus! I carried Rebecca most of the way, which made my arms kill!

I'm back!

Den:2011-06-06 Kl: 16:08:11 / General / Kommentarer: 0
I got back from Blackpool yesterday but I was too tired to blog! It was a really great trip, although I did come back so sunburnt that it actually hurts so bad when I move my shoulders in any way! It's really painful, even when my top touches it :(
I'll be posting up pictures and stuff soon :)


Den:2011-06-03 Kl: 08:00:00 / General / Kommentarer: 0

I'm off to the UK seaside for a couple of days :) Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and that the weather stays nice!

In the meantime, please don't forget to vote for me in this years Next Model Competition! It takes 2 seconds :)

Vote for me!

Den:2011-06-02 Kl: 00:08:42 / General / Kommentarer: 0


Hey guys, please vote for me in this years Next Model Competition :)
I wouuld really appreciate it!

Lasenza leaving do @TGIF

Den:2011-06-01 Kl: 14:19:35 / General / Kommentarer: 0

So last night I had a lovely leaving do with the Lasenza girls at TGI Friday's :) I had a really lovely time, and it was so nice to see everyone again. I'm really going to miss them, they've been a part of me for so long!

Oh my goodness

Den:2011-05-30 Kl: 22:19:14 / General / Kommentarer: 0

New layout & blog

Den:2011-05-29 Kl: 17:03:28 / General / Kommentarer: 0

I finally got round to getting a brand new layout :D I love it!
And also just created a new blog, that I will be running mostly after I move out :) (So in about a month!)
Check it out below! I just finished doing the layout so I'm quite proud :D

Friday @ Pizza Express

Den:2011-05-28 Kl: 22:21:51 / General / Kommentarer: 2

So I met up with Tina, Pre and Jodie yesterday, my lovely Lasenza girlies :) We went to Pizza Express for a lovely lunch!
I haven't seen Tina for like 5 months so it was reallyyyy lovely seeing her!

Goodbye Lasenza

Den:2011-05-22 Kl: 23:09:51 / General / Kommentarer: 1
So I haven't blogged for ages, feels weird! I have had quite a rough week, but I have to say the amount of amazing support and care I have received from all my friends has been amazing!
I had my last day at work yesterday, which wasn't as emotional as I thought it would be! Oana cried, but I felt ok because I knew that I will be seeing all the girls again on the 31st for my leaving do :)
Lasenza has been a big part of my life for the last few years, and I will actually miss it a lot more than I thought. Especially all the girls, they have made it what it is, and I will never forget them

I got this lovely bunch of roses from Chavelle, I was so surprised! :) They're really beautiful, and smell so great!
Oh and apparently, I have a surprise coming on my leaving do, so really looking forward to that!


Den:2011-05-14 Kl: 19:43:31 / General / Kommentarer: 1
"If I could have one lifetime wish, one wish that would come true, I'd pray to God with all my heart, for yesterday...and you!"

I'm going to be taking a break from blogging for a while, I don't know when I will be back. I have suffered some great losses in my life, and I don't know when I will be able to come back to this. The coming times are going to be very dark for me, and it's not something I want to share with people, and burden people with.
If I ignore you, it is not by purpose, it is simply because I am too all over the place, or don't feel like talking to anyone.

Sorry, and hope everyone has a good time.


Den:2011-05-07 Kl: 19:48:00 / General / Kommentarer: 1
So a lot has happened lately! For one, I quit my job. It's definitely for the best, although I'm going to miss everyone alot :(
I just don't need the stress that now comes with this job, since it has changed so much and my new manager seems to have something against me for no reason...
My last day is going to be on the 21st of May, and after that I can really put all my efforts into revising for my exam!
It's really stressing me out that it's getting so near and I haven't actually done much revision.

I've also recently become a consultant for Oriflame :)
Please use the link below to go to my oriflame page and click "order from me" to look for anything you would like to buy :)


New phone

Den:2011-05-07 Kl: 19:17:27 / General / Kommentarer: 1
So I just got a new phone a few days ago, with a new contract from 3 mobile :)
It's £15 a month, for 500 minutes, 5,000 texts, and 1GB of internet :) I think that's amazing value, don't you? :D
Very very happy, I've been spending the last few days just playing around with it and customising it and downloading lots of apps haha!
I love it so far, although there has been some complications but managed to resolve them all so far..
I got the Samsung Galaxy Portal :)

Long weekend

Den:2011-05-02 Kl: 11:57:12 / General / Kommentarer: 1
So I spent a really nice long chilled weekend at my house, Ali came first for a bit and then Hasan came over after, as he had some stuff to do. It was really lovely, relaxed weekend, consisting of lots of tea, snacks, and movies! :)
It was a really nice break from the past couple of weeks at work, just to spend time at home not worrying about anything!
Back to work tomorrow though :( not looking forward to that!

Having tea and biscuits outside in the garden:)♥ Excuse the no make up face!

Watching the sunset♥


Den:2011-04-29 Kl: 14:46:39 / General / Kommentarer: 1

City of London

Den:2011-04-28 Kl: 01:33:37 / General / Kommentarer: 1
Had a lovely day out today, went to meet Melissa and Sonam in Hyde Park, which I haven't been to in like a good 8 years! It was so beautiful, and I was so thankful the weather was so nice too! Although the wind did make it quite chilly at times!
I never did realise how beautiful London is, well I did but didn't see it for quite a while! Just as I'm about to leave, haha!
Went back to Sonam's halls after, just to chill for like an hour and then went to meet Pat, Sara and Sara (lol) at TGI's in Leicester Square, for Pat's birthday!
Also, this is worthy of stating, I never actually knew what TGI Friday's stands for, until tonight when Sara told me! TGIF = Thank God It's Friday! HAHA! Genius!

Anyway off to bed, gonna post up the pictures from TGI's tomorrow! <3

All the Harrod's windows had Royal Wedding displays! ♥

All the media set up outside Buckingham Palace!

Buckingham Palace Gate

Buckingham Palace!

Happy Easter!

Den:2011-04-24 Kl: 23:38:44 / General / Kommentarer: 2

Hope everyone has had a good Easter! It was really lovely to have a day off after all the hectic work days I've had lately! Had lots of lovely food too! I'm really looking forward to next week, as I get to see all my favourite people! Seeing Sonam and Melissa on Tuesday, Pat on Wednesday, and Ali & Hasan the whole weekend:)

P.S. Lookout for a new giveaway coming soon ;)

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