Breaking Dawn pt.2
Den:2012-11-25 Kl: 12:26:49 /
General /
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IMDB rating: 5.9/10
Anna's rating: 10/10
Ok so this post is like really late.. I went to see Breaking Dawn pt.2 with Kendra at midnight last week on Thursday! The screening was so packed there was like no empty seats haha! We went to TGI Friday's first and then headed over to the cinema 2 hours before (as advised by the lady at the counter earlier on..)
Anyway honestly, I LOVED it! I won't spoil anything for those of you who haven't seen it and want to, but the ending was a shock! Nearly everyone in the cinema screamed! So funny, but definitely memorable!
Kirsten Stewart looks so beautiful aswell It felt like time flew past so quick, as I found myself wondering "really it's gonna be over already??" and checked my phone to realise that infact it had already been like an hour and a half! I DEFINITELY recommend it :)

Evanescence Live Manchester Arena
Den:2012-11-12 Kl: 11:05:00 /
Evanescence Live 2011/2012 /
Kommentarer: 0
So on Tuesday I went to see Evanescence play at Manchester Arena :D I stayed over at Kendra's house on Monday night, so that I could get up really early on Tuesday and go wait outside the arena! So we got up at 7am and left at 8am, and I got there at 9am! Surprisingly wasn't the first one there lol but still managed to be at the front, seeing as there was TEN doors! That was the one annoying thing - people who came lots later got to be at the front too because there was so many entrances! Anyway, I had the good idea of getting camping chairs beforehand, so we didn't have to sit on the cold hard floor :D win!
Amy rocked like always, she was wearing a beautiful skirt made from all the flags of the countries she had visited on this tour - I think that's so awesome!
They really do need to rethink their support bands though, because apart from The Pretty Reckless last year, all their support bands have, I'm sorry to say, sucked!
They finished with My Immortal and a shitload of confetti being blown everywhere - it was amazing!! :D
The concert finished about 11pm and then we went to the hotel they were going to stay at - waiting at the bar, whilst paying £10 per drink! Unfortunately we left too early, as we found out she didn't come out at the arena until 1am at night, but we left the hotel at around 12.40am. :( bad times, but a lesson for next time - don't give up so early! hah!
I really really hope they will come back soon, as I've been hearing a lot about "taking a break again" - whaaaat? :(