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Moral Crimes

I just came across an article that really intrigued me. I found it on Sophia Bush's blog!
Here are direct quotes from her blog;

" Ladies. I want you all to to try to imagine something along with me. Imagine being thrown in prison because you had the courage to leave a man who beats you. Imagine being jailed because you refuse to marry a man who raped you. Imagine being sentenced to ten years behind bars because a man in your family murdered someone, and decided that you would serve his prison sentence for him. If you live in Afghanistan, these scenarios are not imaginary at all. They are all too common occurrences, and the women who are jailed for "offenses" such as these are charged with, get ready for this doozy of a term, "moral crimes." "

And the following is even worse;

"I think it would be nearly impossible to be a conscientious young woman and be unaware of the dreadful term 'honor killing.' This term comes from a very dark practice with roots in the MIddle East and Asia, where a woman is murdered for behaving in a way that "shames" her family. Like having a boyfriend. The United Nations estimates the annual number of honor killings to be over 5,000. These crimes are often heinous and brutal, with female victims being stabbed, stoned, set on fire, even tied up and buried alive. Lately, we've seen this frightening practice hit close to home what with breaking news about the gorgeous young Harry Potter star Afshan Azad, whose father and brother are accused of an attempted honor killing. All because the young girl's family is Muslim, but she is in love with a Hindu boy. The men accused beat her with closed fists, dragged around her home, and tossed her about like a rag doll. It is reported that as Afshan was struggling to breathe, they threatened her with death. "

Disguisting isn't it? How can people think this is ok! I didn't even know about this, even though I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan!

"The fact that her family would attempt such a horrific crime sickens me to my stomach. And for what? For loving a boy who is of a different religion? I'm guessing that to many of you that idea seems preposterous, as I believe it should. Love is love. No matter your faith, race, sexual orientation, size, shape, or socioeconomic background. "

"At 16 years old Badia attempted to flee her home with her newborn daughter because her 40 year old husband -- yeah, you read that right. FORTY year old husband -- beat her every day. This man had been beating her since they wed, when Badia was only 12 years old. And what is almost more perverse than a 40 year old man marrying a 12 year old girl, is the fact that in their village this man was considered 'kind' because he hadn't killed her and her baby girl. If he had, no one would judge him, let alone care, because his young wife was considered useless for not producing a son. "

You can read the full blog here on Sophia's blog or the full article from Marie Claire here!

If you want to help, you can purchase a special T-shirt made by Marie Claire, from which the proceeds go to help the poor women who suffer these terrible fates!

Click the t-shirt to be taken to the shop!

And here's an extract of another article from Marie Claire

"Suddenly Amal turned, held up her hands in a futile attempt to stop the Jeep, and froze. Moments later, the vehicle struck the women, tossing them into the air. Amal hit the pavement; Noor landed on a raised median, in a patch of pebbly landscaping. Faleh wasn't done, though. Swerving onto the median, he ran over his daughter as she lay bleeding, fracturing her face and spine. Then, he reversed and sped away."
"But honor killings in America are a chilling new trend. In Texas, teen sisters Amina and Sarah Said were shot dead in 2008, allegedly by their father, because they had boyfriends. That same year in Georgia, 25-year-old Sandeela Kanwal was allegedly strangled by her father for wanting to leave an arranged marriage. Last year in New York, Aasiya Hassan, 37, was murdered in perhaps the most gruesome way imaginable: She was beheaded, allegedly by her husband, for reportedly seeking a divorce. And this past spring, 19-year-old Tawana Thompson's husband gunned her down in Illinois, reportedly following arguments about her American-style clothing. "

Read more here

This just makes me sick. These men thinking they have the right to kill women because of these deranged reasons and it's ok. Seriously?!


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