Oh I forgot
A little mini rant is needed!
Throughout my day today, I saw TWO girls with shorts SO short that I could LITERALLY see their bum cheeks!
I mean, I'm sorry but atleast have SOME dignity?
Or is this some new trend that I seem to have missed somewhere amongst the Cosmo pages??
I refuse to believe these girls don't realise that their bum is on show to everyone, and I really think it's quite disguisting.
Do they really not care what people think?
It's quite disguisting, and it's not the first time I've seen it either! Don't understand it ONE bit!

Throughout my day today, I saw TWO girls with shorts SO short that I could LITERALLY see their bum cheeks!
I mean, I'm sorry but atleast have SOME dignity?
Or is this some new trend that I seem to have missed somewhere amongst the Cosmo pages??
I refuse to believe these girls don't realise that their bum is on show to everyone, and I really think it's quite disguisting.
Do they really not care what people think?
It's quite disguisting, and it's not the first time I've seen it either! Don't understand it ONE bit!
