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Good morning:)

So yesterday I went to help Ali & Hasan pack to come to my house :) it took a longgg time! Two huge bags! Took a cab to my house, which took ages because of the tube strikes!
Came home, set everything up, and cooked dinner ;) well technically just cooked what my mum already made before but yeah! Was nice!
Hasans a bit silly and he forgot the ps3 wires and stuff, so it was a mission to figure out how to watch a film! Apparently, the Wii doesn't read dvd's which was really a surprise because I always thought it did? :S hmm,
and my actual dvd player had no sound! But figured it out in the end, and watched Harry Potter :) ( my idea, of course)
Made the most gorgeous hot chocolate too, completely forgot to take a picture of it! Will probably make it again tonight, so I'll take a picture then :)
I got some scented candles that I used but although they smelt GORGEOUS in the pack, you actually can't really smell it when you light it! Gutted!
My house is SO cold though, its unreal!
But yeah, made breakfast, and Hasan was nice enough to wash the dishes for me :P
So I'm gonna make him watch the second Harry Potter now ;)


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