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I hate saturdays

I just hate going to work :( HORRID day!

Starting off with not being able to sleep last night, because I haven't been used to going bed early, and my parents didn't help by making loads of noise with my auntie and uncle! SO annoying!

So didn't get to sleep till about 2, and I had to get up at like 8 :(
Long journey to work, had to wait AGES for the bus, in the rain, and then missed the 142 in edgware :(

Had the most splitting headache all day like it was seriously pounding, I've felt like I'm gonna fall down most of the day!
My feet have been killing me all day too, because I wore new shoes! I'm sooo smart hey?

Lunch consisted of disguisting queues in boots, (x2 because I'm a bit blonde and forgot I had to buy a toothbrush coz I left mine at Alis..) and not being bothered to go to hollister and getting annoyed by horrible reception and people taking long to text back!

Then just loads of annoying customers all the time!! Jeeez!
I hate retail :(

Although, we have soooooooo many new items, it's tempting me soo much! And we got paid yesterday! But I really shouldn't :(
Although I did get a new bra!

Then just had a really long wait for the bus again after work, and decided to take a completely different route home! But I did get home quicker! Although I'm quite pissed coz my parents didn't pick me up either! But whatever!

Then obviously, just when my mood cant get worse, people have to be dred!
I just really cant be bothered to be honest. I've had too much of a long STRESSFUCKINGFULL day to care.

I just wish some people understood that.
But what can I do?



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